
Breakfast and I have a love hate relationship. I like to eat it, but don't like to make it or come up with new breakfast ideas. here are my go to breakfast ideas.
Eggs, from scrambled to fried, egg's are a good source of protein. my favorite ways to eat eggs are...
  • scrambled with a little of Tony's brand Chachere's and green onions 
  • french rolled omelet is an absolutely amazing way my mom discovered to make eggs. You can read her post about it here. Trust me you will never go back.
  • fried on whole wheat toast (Dave's killer bread and Ezekiel bread are some that my family likes).

Grits are the bomb when you add lots of cheese, and I mean LOTS of cheese.

Yogurt, I like the Oikos triple zero for a sugar free option and Chobani flips if your not worried about the sugar.

Muffin's I love muffin in a mug's. They're quick and easy and yummy.


  1. Yum 😋! You make breakfast sound awesome! I typically don’t like breakfast food, but I LOVE waffles! I like cereal but only at night before I go to bed, which is not the healthiest habit.

    1. I really like breakfast. waffles are amazing!!!


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