gallon of water

I was recently challenged to drink a gallon of water a day. Now this may seem easy to you, that's what I thought at first also. It is easy now if I start the day off right with at least one glass before breakfast. Although it was not easy to start. I went from drinking maybe 5 or 6 US cups of water to 16 (one gallon) everyday. I want to share some of the thoughts that went though my head as I was doing this.
"There is no way I can do this!"
I would wake up every morning and think a whole gallon of water, that's so much. Then I would sit down to eat lunch and I would only be 1/3 of the way done and would get discouraged. Turns out I drink more as the day goes on and most of the time managed to pull it out.
"I didn't think my tummy could hurt from to much water."
I was drinking so much water in a short period of time that my tummy would start to hurt and I would have to slow down.
"why am I peeing every 10 minutes?"
I was drinking a lot more so I was peeing a lot more. I am so tired of having to stop what i'm doing and go to the bathroom!
Now I want to challenge you! drink one gallon of water every day. Not only did it make me feel better it helped clear my skin and reduce sore muscles. Here are some things I've learned that might help you.
If you can, drink it without ice. This makes it a lot easier
Don't let the (gallon) intimidate you. Take it one glass at a time.
Create a way of tracking, maybe an app or a note book. I put magnets on the side of the fridge that I move over when I make a glass.
Last but not least don't get discouraged if you can't do it at first, you'll get it eventually.
Happy drinking ;)        
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  1. That sounds great! Especially the clear skin part. Um, (this is dumb question but...) do you really recommend it? That’s a lot of water!!

    1. I do, I know it sounds like a lot but once you get in the habit its really not that bad. Also you might not need a whole gallon. If you not doing a lot of heavy active/ exercise maybe aim for in between a half a gallon and a gallon

  2. Sarah! I'm so excited about your new blog! This post was a great way to kick it off!
    A whole gallon of water. Wow! I Tried to accomplish this one day and failed miserably! But today's a new day! After reading this I can't help but accept the challenge! Well done!

    1. That's awesome sweet! I love challenging people.

  3. Sarah, thanks for challenging me to drink more water. The more water I drink the better I feel all around. A gallon is a lot but it's more doable than I expected! Drinking it without ice really helps. And I use to REALLY love ice in my water. But this is a much better way to stay hydrated. I also use an app on my phone called "Water Drink Reminder" (the developers need a little more creativity, eh?) that helps to remind me if I'm on track for the day. Great first post.

    1. I feel the same way, who know that water could make such a difference in how you feel. I do like the app idea i'll have to try it some day.


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