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The Great Running Debate

Foot strike: what is the best way to run? There is a lot of chatter on the internet about what the "right" way to run is but in my opinion there is no right or wrong way to run. I say do whatever you feel comfortable with. Here are the three most popular ways of running and foot strike, my favorite and why. Heel Strike  pic:google.      In the heal strike method the runner focuses on landing on the heal and pushing off with their toe. This is my preferred method of running especially when sprinting. I struggle with shin splints and this helps. A lot of people shy away from this method because this can be dangerous when barefoot running due to the fact that there is not enough cushion in the heal naturally.      Mid Foot Strike pic google      Mid foot strike is landing softly and evenly on your foot. Barefoot runners tend to lean more towards this style of running. I occasionally use this when going long distances when it's harder to focus on form.

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